The core of our 2023/2024 season will be our Summer Performance Camp at Bloemfontein. The camp will start on Sunday 30th October 2023 and continue until Saturday 3rdFebruary 2024. This assumes that the COVID-19 Virus threat has diminished and that International travel to and from South Africa is practical. We are accepting provisional bookings, but will only ask for deposits from July 2023. Thereafter, in the event that the Covid situation changes and makes travel to South Africa impossible, any booking deposits and paid hire fees will be returned in full.
Over the years we have learned, that there is a wide time window when long flights are possible. This stretches from the beginning of November and continues until the middle of February. To illustrate the point, on the 5th Nov 2013 we enjoyed the best day ever, four gliders managed a 1200km flight in our area at an average speed of 160 kph! On the 4th Nov 2019 Mannie McLauchlan captured the 1000km Out and Return African Continental Record at a speed 164.5kph and on the 12th February 2016 Anders Andersen set a new Danish 1000km triangle record at 156kph!
So whether you are just starting out to get your silver distance or you are going for your 1000 Km, Bloemfontein is a great place to be. This exciting soaring is not just for the select few pilots, it is available to glider pilots with all levels of experience. We provide the expert help and the guidance necessary for you, to safely enjoy the excitement of gliding in South Africa.