Shaun has been a serial visitor to Soaring Safaris and over the last 20 years has flown over 1500 hours in South Africa.
During his first visits, he developed a knack for turning out landing’s into African adventures. He is now on first name terms with most of the local farmers. He has fixed potato packing machines, designed a set of pig sty’s and narrowly avoided being married off to a farmer’s daughter during his various escapades.
Shaun is an active Club member at Lasham Gliding Club in the UK and is an addicted competition pilot having flown in a number of UK and South African National and Regional competitions.
He was The British Team captain at 2014 WGC in Leszno where team GB won the coveted Team Cup.
He also holds the African Continental 500 K record, UK National 300k and 500k triangle records, all set whilst flying at Bloemfontein in his wife’s JS1c.
He is married to Anne, an equally talented and enthusiast glider pilot.